Thursday, January 29, 2009

SCAM Report #58 : Connecticut Pet Owners targeted : Enfield & Hartford

from the desk of Dr Walter Woolf, the veterinary founder & owner of Air Animal, the Tampa, Florida / USA based pet moving service for relocating families; definitely NOT engaged in the transport of puppies for the Cameroon scammers.

the report came in from Enfield, Connecticut .. where the purchaser of the alleged Bulldog puppy (aren't they cute in those internet photos?)called to identify they were NOT going to be scammed. The caller (she) having answered an advertisment in a local newspaper in Connecticut. The "hook" was the low balled price of $240.00 for the Bulldog puppy.

and the caller from Connecticut .. having found an alleged "teacup Yorkie" on a web site for the low balled price of $200.00 ... and, after visiting our Blog on scams, was surprised ... and thankful she had not sent any cash dollars to Cameeroon.

SCAM Report #57 : Brit's love Pug puppies ; two scam attempts; wise Brit's saved 400.00 pounds sterling

from the desk of Dr Walter Woolf, the veterinary founder & owner of Air Animal Pet Movers, whose business identity has been stolen by the African Scammers ... as they attempt to have you purchase non-existent puppies via the internet .. with payment to the thieves in Cameroon, with the pets allegedly being delivered to you in England by Air Animal Pet Movers .. based in Tampa, Florida.

we received two (2)reports today as follows : the family in Peterborough was asked to send 180.00 pounds sterling to Cameroon, with a pug puppy to be delivered to them from Scotland; the ground delivery agent was to be Air Animal of Tampa, Florida.

the second of the two reports was as follows : the family in Telford was asked to send 120.00 pounds sterling to Cameroon, with a pug puppy to be delivered tothem from Scotland; the ground delivery agent to be Air Animal of Tampa, Florida.

both families contacted Air Animal in Tampa, Florida/USA prior to sending money; Good Move, Brit's .. you saved yourself from a financial loss; and subsequent heartache.

SCAM Report #56 : se habla espanol : the scammers are resourceful, and multilingual

from the desk of Dr Walter Woolf, the principal owner & managing director of Air Animal Pet Movers .. the relocating pets best friend, operating from offices in Tampa, Florida/USA .. with NO branch offices anywhere.

the have to give the scammers credit, and nothing else; they are resourceful people; operating from the African country of Cameroon; here you will find the dialogue in Spanish between a Hialeah, Miami, Florida resident and the multilingual scammers in Cameroon.

----------------------- Forwarded Message -----------------------

From: Rene
To: Gladys Busino
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:44:39 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Fwd: MundoAnuncio: Hombres y mujeres cachorros Siberian Husky disponibles.

Este es el número guien supueste mente tienen los perros

Enviado desde mi iPhone

Inicio del mensaje reenviado:

De: galbes Rodolf
Fecha: January 29, 2009 12:59:32 PM EST
Para: Rene
Asunto: Re: MundoAnuncio: Hombres y mujeres cachorros Siberian Husky disponibles.

Este es su número: 866-290-6105.

On 1/29/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

¿De qué hablas?

Esa es su jefe en el trimestre Tempa

On 1/29/09, Rene wrote:

Estoy en eso pero es gue yamo y nada y la agencia por cual uste lo embio


esta en California sino en Tampa me puede mandar el número de la agencia

porgue no puedo ablar con ello o gue me llamen

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 29, 2009, a las 12:34 PM, galbes Rodolf



La agencia dice que, aún están esperando por usted para realizar el

pago antes de que puedan entregar los cachorros a su casa


On 1/29/09, Rene wrote:

Ok yo boy a Ir a la agencia para pagar para gue me manden los perros

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 29, 2009, a las 9:33 AM, galbes Rodolf


Por favor, sigo esperando su respuesta.


On 1/29/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

así que revise su correo electrónico muy bien.

La agencia dice que le han enviado un mensaje de correo electrónico.

En la que la información de entrega de los cachorros y también están

en la dirección en la que usted tiene que hacer el pago a fin de que

los cachorros se pueden entregar a usted.

Voy a la espera de su respuesta.

On 1/29/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

Tiene el organismo de ejecución en contacto con usted?

On 1/29/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

Ya he pedido los cachorros que se entregarán a usted.

On 1/29/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

¿Qué quieres decir?

On 1/29/09, galbes Rodolf wrote: ¿qué?

On 1/29/09, Rene wrote:

Gue me los Manden ya

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 29, 2009, a las 9:03 AM, galbes Rodolf


Estoy ubicado en Italia y puedo hacer arreglos para la hembra


para ser transportado a más de usted.

¿Cuándo te gusta este cachorro ser transportados a usted?

Voy a la espera de su respuesta.

On 1/29/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

¿Ha sido contactado por la agencia de entrega?

Porque me hizo comprender que, tienen que enviar un correo


que contenga la información de entrega de los cachorros.

Así que por favor intente y comprobar que el correo (en el cuadro de

spam o de distribución masiva y masajes).

On 1/29/09, Rene wrote:

Ok yo te escribo grasias

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 29, 2009, a las 8:32 AM, galbes Rodolf



hacer que me haga saber cuando se pondrá en contacto con usted.

On 1/29/09, Rene wrote:

Ok estoy esperando la llamada

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 29, 2009, a las 7:21 AM, galbes Rodolf



He recibido las dos cachorros registrados en la agencia de entrega de

su entrega a su hogar.

Por lo que la entrega se va a la agencia en contacto con usted con

información sobre la entrega de los cachorros a su casa y sobre cómo

usted hará el pago para su entrega.


On 1/28/09, Rene wrote:

Ok espero con ancia los cachorritos

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 28, 2009, a las 11:00 PM, galbes Rodolf


Gran i hará precisamente eso.

On 1/28/09, Rene wrote:

Ok todo esta bien estate esperando la llamada para la entrega de los

cachorros yo entiendo poco english pero entiendo algo este es el #



esposa para ke lo tengas en los datos tanbien ok muchas gracias


o... El mio 305-773-8291

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 28, 2009, a las 10:40 PM, galbes Rodolf


primera hora de la mañana mañana, se llevará a los dos cachorros a la

entrega organismo.

Por lo tanto, los cachorros se entregarán a usted mañana.

On 1/28/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

Se hará mañana por la mañana

On 1/28/09, Rene wrote:

No me dijiste si resibiste los dato

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 28, 2009, a las 10:12 PM, galbes Rodolf



por lo que obtener los dos cachorros registrados en la agencia de


Se pondrá en contacto con usted con la información de entrega de los

dos cachorros y que es cuando tendrá que pagar el dinero que se les

entrega para que puedan los dos cachorros a usted.

On 1/28/09, Rene wrote:

Mi direcion es 5010 E 2 AVE Hialeah Fl 33013 Mi nombre Rene


Mi esposa marliuvy acosta my phone 305-773-8291

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 28, 2009, a las 9:53 PM, galbes Rodolf


Yo sólo necesito que me envíen a la siguiente información:

Su nombre completo .....

dirección de la casa .........

ciudad .........

estado .............

aeropuerto más cercano a su lugar ........

y su número de teléfono ....

Voy a utilizar esta información para hacer arreglos para los dos

cachorros que van a ser trasladados a su.

Los cachorros se entregarán en su casa.

la espera de su respuesta

On 1/28/09, Rene wrote:

Dime gue nesesitas para gue me Mandes los cachoros

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 28, 2009, a las 9:36 PM, galbes Rodolf


cuando quieres estas dos cachorros?

On 1/28/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

Por favor, no soy tan bueno haciendo uso de la palabra en español.

On 1/28/09, Rene wrote:

Yo kiero los 2 perros please call me tengo much interes my phone is


Enviado desde mi iPhone

El Jan 28, 2009, a las 9:04 PM, galbes Rodolf


Todavía estoy esperando su respuesta

On 1/28/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

Voy a dar los dos cachorros a usted si usted desea cuidar muy bien de


On 1/28/09, galbes Rodolf wrote:

Se adjunta fotos de los dos cachorros.

Las dos primeras fotos es una mujer y los dos últimos es un varón..

Voy a estar esperando forma su respuesta.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Canadians lose CAD$800.00 ; SCAM Report #55

from the desk of Dr Walter Woolf, the founding owner & managing director of Air Animal Pet Movers .. the Tampa, Florida / USA based pet moving service for relocating families .. providing nationwide & worldwide live animal logistics.

the caller from Brantford, Ontario, Canada had previously wire transferred $800.00 Canadian dollars by MoneyGram through CanadaPost to the African country of Cameroon, for the transport, etc of two teacup Chihuahua puppies ... from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Brantford, Ontario.

And, was wondering where the two teacup Chihuahua's were. the puppies were non-existent.

I suggested the caller from Ontario to contact the following parties: the RCMP's internet fraud department, for allowing free classified ads on their web site as the "lure" for scammers to post their fictitious offerings,and MoneyGram for their participation in internet fraud, as well as CanadaPost for their participation as well.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Yorker - English Bulldog puppy : SCAM Report #54 - Loss $200.00

from the desk of Dr Walter M Woolf, the principal owner & managing director; Air Animal Pet Movers, the relocating pets best friend since 1977; operating from Tampa, Florida / USA .. our one (1) and only office.

the inquiry came through our web site from a gentleman in New York.... .. I had to share with the enquirer of his having transferred $200.00 to a beneficiary in the African country of Cameroon, in either the city of Doula or Yaounde for a non-existent puppy.

the bait for the CASH transfer by Western Union of $200.00 was for the cute, adorable, and non-existent English bulldog puppy.

the New Yorker became wary when there was an additional request of payments for "insurance" .. and then he found out he had been scammed.

I urged the caller from New York to contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation's web site .... ... to report his loss of $200.00

Monday ... 26 January 2009 : SCAM Report #53 - Victims spared $700.00 on one weekend

from the desk of Dr Walter Woolf, the principal owner & managing director of Air Animal Pet Movers, the pet moving service for relocating pet owners, since 1977, .. with ONE (1) office only in Tampa, Florida / USA .

Monday, 26 January 2009 brought us three reports of attempted scams over the weekend of 23 - 26 January 2009.

SCAM #1 of 3 : the first one was for the purchase of a Maltese puppy for the price of $200.00 from the prospective scam victim in San Diego, California who knew Maltese puppies were generally available for purchase in the amount of $500.00 to $1500.00 .. and could not understand why the price was so low. The "deal" was from New Jersey .. to California .. fortunately .. the San Diego, California buyer did not fall for the low price.

SCAM #2 of 3 : the second one was for the purchase of a "teacup Yorkie puppy" for the price of $200.00 from New Jersey to Washington. The Washington caller could not understand why the US Dollars in the form of a Western Union transfer or the MoneyGram transfer had to go to the African country of Cameroon ... the Washington caller went to Air Animal's website ... .... found our Blog on Internet Puppy Scames, Business Identity theft, and realized she was a potential victim.

SCAM #3 of 3 : the third one was from the caller in "Indiana" wanting to know why an intial Western Union payment in the amount of $250.00 was followed by an additional request of $50.00 by Western Union for the internet purchase of a Capuchin Monkey be shipped from the non-existent office of Air Animal in Kansas City to an unspecified airport city in "Indiana" ... the $250.00 was for the alleged transport & shipping of the pet by Air Animal .. with the additional fee of $50.00 for alleged home delivery ...... had to be sent to the African country of Cameroon. The scheduled passenger airlines of the United States and their air cargo services do NOT accept monkeys for shipment; and , there are NO branch offices of Air Animal Pet Movers anyplace in the world.

SUMMARY: with diligence, intelligence, internet saavy, and basic "smarts" ... three potential scam victims in the USA .. in the states of California, Washington, and Indiana were saved a total of USD$700.00 .

Friday, January 23, 2009

Florida puppy to Buffalo, NY : SCAM Report #52

"we can't keep the puppy (an alleged 14 month old Yorkie 'baby") any longer, as it does not agree with the Florida weather."

the notice appearing on Facebook .. and the Buffalo, New York caller ... the potential recipient of the alleged puppy available for adoption ... ... . had some questions ... here they are ..... prudent .. and specific .. and thoughful ....

we have not seen Facebook being utilized previously by the scammers in the African country of Cameroon.

Sounds like a reasonable story .. yet .. and there's always a hitch.

Here's the bait ... "it will only cost you $90.00" ... that's the hitch ... .. and that's before the switch.

and the "Florida resident" stated .. " you will give the money to Air Animal at the time of the shipping".

Please Note: Air Animal does not engage in the transportation of puppies where a commercial transaction is taking place between a seller & buyer.

When the Buffalo, NY caller asked the "Florida resident" ... for the name and phone number of the Florida families veterinarian of record to familiarize themselves with the pet's health issues ... ..there was NO answer forthcoming.

When the Buffalo, NY caller asked the "Florida resident" where they lived in Florida .. there was NO answer forthcoming.

The moral of the story ... when it seems to good to be true; it is too good to be true.

Scammers stoop to new lows : SCAM Report #51

from the desk of Dr Walter Woolf, the principal owner & managing director of Air Animal Pet Movers, the Tampa, Florida USA based pet moving service for pet owning families changing their domiciles; with ONE office only in Tampa, Florida.

the Cameroon scammers are stooping to new lows in human behaviour when they ask you for your religious affiliation as part and parcel of their desrie to extract cash from you in the form of either Western Union and/or MondeyGram payments for puppies, parrots, monekys, etc that simply do not exist.

these pets only exist in the form of digital photos on web sites.

this past week has been a bad week for Canadians who have wired CASH overseas to the AFrican country of Cameroon ... waiting for puppies that simmply will never arrive, as they never existed in the first place.

when the conversations, either by e mail or in person involve your religious affilation, its time to cease communicating with the person and/or persons at the other end of the conversation.

Ask yourself this simple question: "what does my religious affiliation have to do with the acquisiton of a puppy, or anything for that matter"?

the answer is obvious. Caveat emptor ... buyer beware !

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lisbon, Portugal to Madrid, Spain : Scam Report #50, EU puppy buyers beware of internet scams

from the desk of Dr Walter Woolf, the veterinarian owner and founder of Air Animal Pet Movers, the relocating pets best friend, since 1977; with only ONE (1) office .. located in Tampa, Florida / USA.

this morning's e mails brought to us a variety of messages, with one message from the Spanish pet owner to be , wanting to know where their puppy was, as they had paid for it and were awaiting its arrival in Madrid, Spain , its origin believe it or not was in Lisbon, Portugal.

To their chagrin and disappointment, they discovered they had been scammed.

Air Animal Pet Movers is the Tampa, Florida/USA based pet moving service for pet owners changing their domicile; we do NOT routinely engage in the transportation of pets; puppies, parrots, monkeys, etc where a commercial transaction has or is taking place.

Monday, January 19, 2009

"I am deaf, was injured in an accident, & can only respond by e mail" : SCAM report #49

from the desk of Dr Walter Woolf, the principal owner & managing director, Air Animal Pet Movers, of Tampa, Florida / USA ... with NO branch offices anywhere in the world.

" I am deaf, the deafness having occured as the result of an accident; and can only communicate by e mail "

... the scammer wants you to feel sorry for her/him ... and the hook gets set with alleged deafness .. and then they put the "son" on the phone to further "set the hook" for the scam ...

you begin to wonder, when "my lawyer told me it was a good deal" .. How dumb could the lawyer be ? ...what law school did the lawyer graduate from?.... to tell the client to "go ahead" and send cash (USD$600.00) by MoneyGram at a local Wal-Mart to a total stranger in another country (the African country of Cameroon) for the purchase of a Capuchin monkey to be sent from Indianapolis, Indiana to "somewhere, Virgina" ... with Pet Air of Kansas City, Missouri & Air Animal Pet Movers supposedly participating in the project, when the scheduled passenger airlines and their air cargo departments NOT accepting pet monkeys for flight & transportation.

Please Note: both "Pet Air" & "Air Animal" are pet shippers utilizing the scheduled passenger airlines in the USA as their means of moving pets by air. Neither "Pet Air" nor "Air Animal" have any aircraft of their own .. each company and similar companies are live animal freight forwarders; not airlines.

Get real folks .. you are either a scam victim or are being set up as a scam victim; with Pet Air and Air Animal being set up as participants in an internet fraud, with our business identities being stolen.

Malaysians beware : Puppy scammers want your money : SCAM Report #48

from the desk of Dr Walter Woolf .. the principal owner & managing director of Air Animal Pet Movers, with offices only in Tampa, Florida / USA.

The weekend e mails brought many inquiries for legitimate pet moving services; yet one of note was the e mail from the potential scam victim in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ... wanting to verify the purchase & shipping of yes two (2) English Bulldog puppies from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia .. "with all the papers in order" .. and the "NZ vet needing to do more tests before the pets could go" .

Strange, "with all the papers in order" .. there was the need for "additional veterinary tests" .. and where did the "NZ vet" come into the picture on this deal too good to be true ?

It matters not where you live, nor who you are .. there are multiple web sites .. all offering free classified advertising to the scammers, who simply want to steal your hard earned cash.

If you found two puppies for sale at ridulously low prices in the free classified ads of,, or, or ... youi are entering into correspondence most likely with scammers, not only in the African Country of Cameroon, but worldwide.

It matters not if you live in Midland/Odessa, Texas/USA, or Roanoke, Virginia/USA, or Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia .. a scammer is a scammer, a thief is a thief, a crook is a crook, a fraud is a fraud ...

What puzzled me more than anything else was the young lady who said to me on the telephone .. " it was only $200.00 .. I'm glad I didn't lose more ".

... so .. the question becomes ... " what can you afford to lose ? "

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Advice from Western Union : protect yourself from possible scams and internet fraud

From the Western Union website and their internet fraud section

" Online Fraud

Sending money to someone you don't know? You could be at risk for consumer fraud.

You're contemplating the purchase of a puppy, parrot, monkey, etc from an alleged animal dealer, broker, breeder, etc in the African country of Cameroon, a total stranger who has posted a photograph of a cute, darling, adorable pet on the internet.

The Western Union Money Transfer service is a great way to send money to people you know and trust. If you need to send money to someone you don’t know well, you may be putting yourself at risk for fraud.

It's all a matter of trust; who can you trust, especially on the internet?

Because we care about consumers, Western Union urges you to protect yourself from fraud by considering the following:

Never send money to a stranger using a money transfer service.

Especaially in another country; once you send the cash, the likelihood of getting it back is nil to none.

Beware of deals or opportunities that seem too good to be true.

If it's too good to be true; it's too good to be true; there are no free lunches in this world.

Check out the prevailing price of that puppy, parrot, or monkey in your local market area; be a wise and smart shopper.

Don’t use money transfer services to pay for things like online auction purchases.

Never send money to pay for taxes or fees on foreign lottery winnings.

If you think you've been a victim of fraud, contact us at"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Australian pet lover targeted : SCAM report #47

we received the following e mail form Krysta Gascoyne in Australia .. anticipating the arrival of .. you guessed it .. " a Yorkie puppy " .. alleged to be shipped by ITAPA ... mispelled .. the trade association of the pet shippers and movers is "IPATA" .. the frequent target of the Cameroon scammers who make you think IPATA is sending you the alleged puppy purchase .. which you have quickly found out to non-existent.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Subject: Puppy
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 21:18:26 +1030


I have been waiting for delivery of a yorkie puppy and they were using ITAPA which is a higly recommened agency. I just want to find out if anything has been arranged through your services for delivery of this puppy.

My name: Krystal Gascoyne
And it is to be delivered to: GOLD COAST AUSTRALIA

Please advise, I really appreciate any assistance.

Kind Regards

Hello, I lost $400. I tried researching this all and I couldnt find any information against all this. It sounds like these people are constantly doing this scam.



dear Krystal .. through your loss you are able to share your information with potential pet owners and puppy purchasers globally.

with thanks for sharing ....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Almost a vicitim: please read on

From: "Amanda Chamberlain"
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 21:58:26 -0500
Subject: Scam Using Your Name


My name is Amanda. I recently have almost fallen victim to a scam. The ad said the puppy was in California and would be shipping via Air Animal Pet Moving Services. The e-mail said that it was the Dublin branch and I was supposed to send my money to Cameroon. Upon receiving my name, address, and phone number, they sent me information to pay. The reason I am contacting you is that I wanted you to be aware someone is scamming prospective pet owners using your company’s name. I know there’s probably not much you can do, but I wanted to pass on the information. The following link is similar to the e-mail I was sent. I would be happy to forward the e-mail on to you, if you would like to see it.

Sincerely, Amanda Chamberlain BS, RVT

Please note: Amanda Chamberlain was kind enough to share the above e mail with us. Thank you Amanda.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the typical dialogue and correspondence from Cameroon : PUPPY SCAM

Comments received from a potential scam victim in the San Francisco, CA area. The e mail dialogue is an example of the correspondence between the scammer and the scam victim.

" Hello, I just called your agency because I was looking online to see if the people that called me are actualy true."

The people in either Doala and/or Yauounde, Cameroon are scammers.

I have been emailing back and forth with "Petra Lewis" and I can forward you the e-mails also.

"Petra Lewis" is a fictitious name.

I am so devistated, I had my hopes up to receive a puppy.
I hope these people get cought and be brought to justice, I was wondering if I can inform the local authorities too.
Please let me know when you get this message.
Thank you so much

We agreed with the pet owner not to publish her name, phone number & e mail address.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: International Air Animal Moving Service International Air Animal Moving Service
Sent: Tuesday, January 6, 2009 4:18:43 AM


There is NO Seattle, WA branch of Air Animal Pet Movers, the Tampa, Florida based pet moving service for relocating families.

The following is an example of the "cut & paste" activities of the Cameroon scammers.

Welcome to Air Animal Moving Services, the relocating pets
best friend since 1977.We are working in the collaboration with the Pet relocator, Continental and Delta airways.The relationship of pets and people is a treasured one, as evidenced by the love shown with parents and children and their pets; and is recognized as the human-animal bond. As you contemplate moving your family pet by air as you relocate, you want the best for your pet.Air Animal Moving Services holds the welfare and safety of your family pet as our primary consideration. Whether your pet is an experienced flier or a first time flier, Air pet move specialists, pet owners themselves, understand the relationship you have with your pet and will only provide the best pet moving service for your family pet both, nationwide & worldwide as you relocate.

We handle all of the following:
• Prearrange all necessary flights, ensuring a direct connection when possible.
• Make sure that all necessary shots are current and that all paperwork is in place......
• Pick up your pet at the airport and deliver them to your house....
• Meet them at the destination airport and deliver them to your home....And handle them with care during flight.

Simply stated: the above four (4) points are outright lies.

We are professional pet movers responsible for the relocation of pets to their new families. When your contract is with us, you are assigned a PERSONAL PET MOVE COUNSELOR who will work with you to arrange the fastest, most direct fligh t for your pet. We work with your relocation schedule to ensure as smooth a move as possible.

Dear Client,


We have information about a Maltese Puppy(Female) From Petra Lewis here at the Air Animal Moving Service Branch to be transported and home delivered to you using the following details as below,

Names: Jane Doe
Address: 1234 Main Street, San Francisco, CA
Phone#: 1-(415) 000 - 0000
Airport:San Francisco International Airport
Crate Model...................AF 5790AC-12 ( fictitious )
Breed and Tag Name........Maltese, Belle

The Puppy will come with all necessary papers needed,but as the Air Animal Pet Movers veterinarian must conduct another test to be sure of their health status,It was done ,all was fine and Medication Papers were accurate ,The test Results showed that the puppy is free from such diseases that may attack other Animals like (Dogs And Cats).So the puppy is now ready for moving and home delivery services.But it should be noted that this processes cannot be carried out unless the fee for the shipment and adoption ($230) is paid.So we are expecting the sum of $230 from you. The puppy will come alongside with one of our pet carriers.This payment is to be done to the regional headquarters as that is the Branch concerned with home delivery of our Delivery Service. YOU ARE REQUESTED TO PAY VIA WALMART-MONEYGRAM OR WESTERNUNION BECAUSE WE HAVE THEIR UNITS AT OUR REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS DESIGNED FOR SUCH TRANSACTIONS.ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GO TO THE CLOSEST WESTERN UNION OR MONEYMART STORE AT YOUR LOCATION AND USE THE MONEYGRAM OR WESTERN UNION SERVICE TO SEND THE MONEY TO THE DIRECTOR INCHARGE OF ANIMAL TRANSPORT USING THE BELOW

Do not be fooled by the above comments .. it makes no sense.



NAMES:Mrs Khan Penn
This payment should be done as soon as possible so the puppy can be home delivered to you on time today,if the fee is not provided the puppy will not be dispatched from our detention and will spend more on daily feedings until the management confirms the payment of the $230.

The scammers are pressuring you to send the cash now .. to save you money. Another outright lie.

Kindly email us with the 8digit reference number or the 10 digit MTCN Code as soon as the payment is done.Immediately the payment is confirmed then the Tracking Number as well as the flight receipt to ensure a 100% assurance for the transaction.


Name of carrier...................................Mrs DONNA CHRISTOPHERS
Agent Number..........................AFID .8655
Flight Date ;.......................................................................06 JANUARY-2009
Arrival Date ;.....................................................PENDING
Flight #;................................................. (NOT ACTIVATED)until payment is confirmed

Departure Time.....................................................................................................................PENDING
Arrival Time ................................................................................................. ..........................PENDING
Delivery address................1234 Main Street, San Francisco,
Delivery Time,.......................PENDING
Aircraft Type................................................................. ........................................................BOEING 747,
Gates Departure ;..................................................................................... .....................K4

"Mitzi & Bailey arrived safely in San Francisco yesterday evening(01-05-09)." A BIG thanks to you and the Air Animal Movers Team. I'm very happy and impressed with the service'. Again, thanks a lot for an outstanding door-to-door hassle-free service!

Enjoy Our Service, Air Animal Moving Services
Mr Chris Gold

another example of "cut & paste".

Seattle,WA Branch.

There is NO branch office of Air Animal anywhere in the world.

SAT LINE No:(011237)-7702-3328
Seattle,WA Branch

Please note the telephone number provided by the scammers is not a Seattle, WA telephone number; the "011" is the international dialing access code; the "237" is the country code for Cameroon; the telephone number of "7702-3328" is answered by an individual who refuses to identify himself when called. The telephone number does not relate to the alleged Seattle, WA Branch.